Thursday, 30 April 2015

Hooray for cold days

I've been whinging for months about how hot it is, and last week (on my birthday no less) the temperatures finally dropped.  Yippee, finally I can move into 'winter' clothes and layering.

The item to be refashioned here is the black cardigan thing.  I've owned this for years but haven't worn it too much and have no idea why I never got rid of it.  The other day I had the idea of adding a really long zip to the front, with the thought that this would alter the style of this item into something I will actually wear.  

The first thing I did was remove the big front button and the button loop.

Then I tried the top on and marked where I wanted the zip to end with chalk.
(I am using a 60cm open ended zip that I picked up from Lincraft for about $3.00)

I pinned the zip in place, tried the top on to make sure I was happy with how it would sit

and then sewed it in place using the zipper foot on my sewing machine.

Finish... photo... 'SMILE' mum....


Layers well... 
(This orange cardigan was one of my first refashion posts.  I accidentally put it on upside down recently and realised I like it much better this way than how it appears in my original photos.)

AND it is asymmetrical.

Well these before and after photos aren't too different... same dress, same 'cardigan', and leggings.  But personally I think the addition of a zip to this top makes a huge difference to the style, and it will definately get more wear now.

Black refashioned Cardigan/Vest: old wardrobe item, $3 for cost of added zip; Stripped dress: $4 thrifted; Orange Cardigan: previously refashioned item; Scarf: an old favourite originally purchased from Tree of Life; Leggings: wardrobe item; Dr Marten Elana boots: bought a few years ago from Ebay UK.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

No Sew Dress Refashion

I've spent the past few days visiting my parents (hence the poor quality iPhone pictures in this post), and as usual my mum had a bag of goodies waiting for me.  It was actually pretty handy, because I packed in a rush and realised once I got here that I didn't really have anything suitable to wear.

So I grabbed this dress from mums bag of hand-me-downs and embarked on a no sew refashion. The dress is beautifully made, but felt too conservative. And that elastic waist band would drive me mad. 

So I borrowed a seam ripper from my mum, turned the dress inside out and carefully unpicked a bit of the waist band so I could remove the elastic. 

The next bit I wanted to change was the neckline as it just didn't feel like my style. 

The back had this little cutout with a button to fasten it. 

So I popped the dress on back to front and folded those edges inward to create a v-neck.

Then I raided my trendy mums wardrobe to accessorise my 'new' dress.

I added an orange beaded necklace, a tan plaited leather belt, and these beautiful orange and tan sandals. 

It still feels a bit more formal than my usual style, but I still think it's rather nice. (And I have no idea why I have this 'sticky-outy' bit going on with my hair).

It's a shame I can't keep the accessories too ;-)

And because I'm still at my parents and doing this post from my phone and I don't know how to do a side-by-side before and after shot on it. Here is the before shot again, just in case you forgot what it looked like before.   

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Easy-Peasy Girls Dress

Miss 7 spotted this at the op-shop for $1.50 - how could we resist?
I think this was a strapless top, but we both agreed this would look much better as a girls dress.

Unfortunately it seemed to be a teen size 14, so despite the shirred elastic top part, it would not stay up on my 7 year old.

So I took in the sides at the top, but left the lower part as it was.

Remember this fabric that I cut from the hem of my last refashion?  I rolled those fraying edges under and sewed them flat.

To create these...

Shoulder straps.

And sewed them in place to complete this easy-peasy refashion.

The hardest part was trying to get a photo of the finished item.




And then she finally stopped to feed the fish.

This has fast become a favourite dress and was well worth the $1.50 we paid for it.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Restyled Dress

These photos are terrible, I had no 'photographer' on hand this day so I had to work out how to use the auto timer function on my camera.  I struggled working out how to get my whole body in the photo without it blurring, but I think you get should get the drift of the style of this dress from these 2 photos.

  I've seen this style being worn by other people and thought it was quite nice, but it really doesn't seem to suit me, so I decided some minor tweaking was in order to create a dress I would actually wear.

Firstly I chopped off these ribbon thingy's, just because I find them annoying.

I wanted to shorten this second layer bit, as the back was longer than the front and I wanted them to be the same length.  So I drew a chalk line as a guide for where I should cut it.

The first bit I cut off didn't even out the length of the front and back, so I ended up chopping off a little bit extra.

Because the original shape of this dress really didn't suit me, my plan was to add elastic to the bottom of the upper 'layer' of the dress to create some shape.  So I sewed a 'casing' on the bottom edge of this upper layer.

After I had sewn the casing, I threaded through some elastic using a 'bodkin' which is a nifty little do-dacky that makes threading elastic really easy.

Then I sewed the ends of the elastic together.

The other part of this dresses style that I thought looked terrible on me was the length of the skirt.  I decided I wanted this dress to sit just below my knees, so I measured and cut off about 6cm of length (the off cuts will be used in my next project).  

And because I am impatient and didn't want to pin or iron the hem before sewing it I just whizzed it through the machine and hoped for the best.

The hem worked out just fine.

With the weather finally hinting at cooler temperatures I was able wear boots and a cardigan.

I even managed a photo outside.

Dress: Thrifted $4, Boots: Dr Marten Wedge Calf Boots used from eBay $120, Cardigan: old wardrobe item from Tree of Life, Accessories: Old wardrobe items.